Current SimAssist Release Notes
Here you can find all current release notes. You can find them also in the help menu of SimAssist.
- Read diagram settings and apply to multiple plug-ins simulateously
- New plug-in for exporting to Excel
- Toolbar for quick access is now saved with the project settings
- Add constant line to diagram via button in the menu bar
- Loaded number of lines is now permanently displayed in the status bar
- Announcements
- From SimAssist version 9.0, the two plug-ins “Pivot” and “SimView” will no longer be supplied.
- Furthermore, from this version onwards, only the 64bits version of SimAssist will be available. The 32bit version will no longer be supported.
- Cross-database SQL queries (use multiple data sources per statement)
- Use self-created SQL queries as data source for SQL Statements plug-in
- New SimTarget plug-in in the 2manage module
- Open Explorer automatically at the location of the set path to the data source
- Requirements for passwords extended
- New and revised scripts available in the basic Python statements plug-in
- [SimVis] Parameterization options à la Python
- [Framework] Replace Gecko Webview with newer variant
- Display plugin name on load
- WYSIWYG export of tables incl. filter/sort/column selection
- [Python Statements] Multiselect function for assigning columns
- Adaptation to different screen scaling: Grouping dialog
(Extract – Features)
- [Framework] New plug-in SimProject
- [Framework] New plug-in Vertical Table
- New Logo and Icon
- [Framework] Show database type
- Mouseover/Quickinfo display options
- Open project with …
- [SimGantt] It should be possible to disable the automatic GROUP BY function
- Hint to the user in case of necessary restart of SimAssist
(Extract – Bugfixes)
- Deleting entries with the “remove” key not possible
- Splitting of areas in windows not (always) customizable
- Python statements plug-in
- [Framework] New plug-in SimClient (2control)
- [Framework] Control order of plug-ins when updating project
- Set “Solve Overlay Mode” to “Default” in default state
- [Variables] Replace “Format” column with “Variable Type” column
- Windows scaling support
- [Framework] Saving the layout in the data area
- [PowerPoint] Improved Drag&Drop handling in treeview of elements
- [Framework] Focus in project tree does not change
- Project template no longer works
- [Database definition] Invalid relative path can be saved
- Data series names
- [SQL Statements] “Copy to clipboard” does not work for SQL queries on data providers
(Extract – Features)
- [PivotChart] Multiple use of columns
- New plug-in correlation table
- [Framework] Create and display favorites
- [Database Definition] Specify Excel row with column headers
- Notice that license expires
- Tables PlugIn – Allow formatting of cell view
(Extract – Bugfixes)
- [SQL] Error message when selecting specific columns from SQL query with TYPES expression
- Wrong display of SQL query
- [SimChart] Drag&Drop of selected columns of a SQL query connects whole SQL query
- [SimVis] Sankey missing translations
- [Distribution fitting] Error loading a layout template
- [Variables] Horizontal scrollbar is not displayed
- [ABC Analysis] Number of loaded data rows is not displayed in status bar
- [SimVis] Error message while drawing
- [PowerPoint] Error when updating a table during export
- [SimChart] Saved date filters are not loaded after language change
(Extract – Features)
- Powerpoint – Export of tables
- Databasedefinition] CSV connection via Excel interface
- SimAssist ShortCuts in RibbonControl
- Update Instance Apply command to all selected elements in project tree
- [Framework] View in data area for one or more data sources
- [SQL Queries] Category as an additional column
- Copy parts of SQL query with variable
- Sankey select multiple nodes with Ctrl and move them simultaneously
- [SimVis] Save Globe3D view
(Extract – Bugfixes)
- [SQL Statements] Cannot display columns of query
- [SQL Statements] Comment is not saved
- Create color scheme with current chart colors – number of colors
- Default color scheme does not work
- [SimGantt] Filter has influence on sorting
- [SimGantt] Error moving columns in data area
- Error message during autosave – A multithreading issue is detected
- Table in SimAssist 5.0 can no longer be selected and copied
- ABC-analysis – Secondary Y-axis for classical Pareto is set incorrectly
- [Database definition] Error when updating if plug-in contains no data
- SimChart: Min/Max calculation function does not work if data type is “single”
- SimVis – field labels are missing – version 5.0
- PowerPoint] Button “Open presentation” does not work
(Extract – Features)
- Table: Color highlighting of table contents
- [Variables] Context menu for variables to show definition and usage
- [SimVis] Globe 3D extension
- Sequence of variables in PlugIn Variables
- Resetting the SimAssist layout
- Using tables and SQL queries
- [SQL Expressions] Apply button
- [SQL Expressions] Added a status column with display for valid, invalid and unchecked queries
(Extract – Bugfixes)
- [SimPie] Error when grouped column is dragged to data area
- [PivotChart] Brackets to indicate an active grouping are not always set or removed
- [PivotChart] Automatic grouping works only the first time
- [PivotChart] Crosshair cursor is displayed when chart is hidden due to limited space
- [SimVis] Sankey chart cannot be drawn if source table contains NOT NULL columns
- Displayed license borrowing date is not updated after borrowing
- [PivotChart] Calculation type not selected and change from grouped field to data range very slow
- [ConfidenceInterval] “Load Template” is grayed out although data source is connected
- [Database definition] Relative path is not correct Save as
- [Framework] Problem with automatic restart after crash
- [Framework] Cursor jumps unintentionally to beginning or end
- [Framework] Problem opening projects in SimAssist 4.1.2 created in version 4.1.1
- [SimGantt] Error when adding (automatically) grouped columns to data area
- [PivotChart] loading process is not finished
- [Powerpoint] Moving of elements not always possible
- [PivotChart] SimPie chart is automatically grouped by activating the title in Chart Designer
- [PivotChart] Grouping incorrect with zero values in database
- [PowerPoint] Error when moving elements
- [PivotChart] Error loading script [when calculating mean function?]
- Excel files with square brackets in column names cannot be read
- [Pivot Chart] Multichart visibility Y-axis change Default value
- [PowerPoint] Button “Open presentation” does not work
- [SimGantt] Sorting of the displayed data different
- No response when a feature could not be checked out successfully
- [PivotChart] Crosshair cursor is displayed when the chart is hidden due to limited space
- [Pivot Chart] Secondary axis no longer works properly
- [ABC Analysis] – Change default diagram to area
- [Database definition] Connection of Excel tables via the database definition plug-in
- ABC analysis chart as new function
- Allocation of colors to data series based on names
- [PivotChart Colors] Change the order of colors in a color scheme
- When loading a script provide the option to use existing database connection or not
- [Project tree] Position
- Document command line parameters in the help file
- [Table] Change of default encoding for CSV export
- [PivotChart] More icons in the pivot field for existing settings
- [Frame application] Enable export also as project
- [Frame application] Show detailed error message when licensing failed
- Missing possibility to expand/collapse the folder structure in the project content with one click
- [PivotChart] Change order of pivot fields, does not update the order on the chart
- [PivotChart] Interval “<= x” is created with interval type “]Start;End]”, although no limit value is specified
- [PivotChart] Grouping – Incorrect interval assignment of maximum values with interval type “]Start;End]”
- [PivotChart] Saved settings of min and max values are applied when loading new tables
- [PivotChart] Checkboxes for rows of type “Line” are not displayed
- [PivotChart] Multichart should not be available in context menu or not selectable if the chart type does not support it
- [Frame application] When changing the project, the selected plug-in is changed
- [PivotChart] Groupings for date values from “hours” on do not work
- [SimChart] Legend checkbox is displayed very small when legend marker and checkbox are active
- The index in the English help file is incomplete
- SimChart – Multidiagram
- [PivotChart] NullPointerException in Categorization
- [PivotChart] Error when grouping after closing Diagram Designer (
- [PivotChart] Error updating grouped charts
- [SimVis] Error when using non-primary columns that do not allow NULL values
- [MonoRail] Wrong display values after loading the project
- [Table] The search in the table does not work correctly
- [Table] Cell is not updated after discarding
- [PivotChart] Active filter of a pivot field is reset when opening the grouping dialog
- [Categorization] Instance with “Quantile Interval” setting sometimes does not finish loading
- [PivotChart] “Add intervals” is not used when sorting the pivot field
- [Setup] Error 4153 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 necessary prerequisite was not correctly installed
- [Frame application] New conception of the surface behavior of “borrow license”
- [Grouping] Limit the number of intervals
- [Grouping] Grouping of a column in the filter area
- [PivotChart] Custom grouping
- [PivotChart] Automatically focus and select the slide title
- [PivotChart] Content of the Options tab in Diagram Designer is empty
- New Plug-in “Cranes” available in the 2calculate module
- [Database Definitions] Selecting data source (drag & drop) toggles from relative to absolute
- [Database Definitions] Bad behavior when creating absolute and relative path settings
- [Confidence Interval] Missing Apply and Discard Buttons on Confidence Level Property
- [Confidence interval] Series “Overall result” in detail view available
- [Frame Application] “Can not open project” or “Create” if base functions do not exist
- [Frame Application] Revision of “Plug-in Info”
- [Setup] Start 64-Bit Version after installation
- [SimChart] Line Weight Adjustment in Legend of Line Charts
- [Upgrade] Missing progress bar for plug-in update
- PowerPoint – Using copied text box from template
- New project tree
- [PivotChart] Loading and Saving Custom Templates
- [Setup] Sample Project for SimAssist Installation
- Extension Data Source Info Window
- [Frame Application] Change the buttons “New”, “Open” and “Close” to small icon with text
- Licensing 32/64 Bit
- DragDrop over different instances
- Crash when changing the grouping
- [Table] Format of the table is not preserved when updating
- [Checking] Can not delete entries using the delete key
- [SimGantt] Can not specify the generic label format for Range (Gantt) Series
- [Confidence Interval] Inconsistency of Interval Values
- [SQL Expressions] Validation Reports Errors When Using Variables in the Expression
- [Variables] Edit mode is called when double-clicking, even though no element was directly clicked
- [Categorization] Incorrect Number of Intervals
- [Reporting] Tables outside the page margin
- [Powerpoint] Plug-in names are not displayed correctly
- [Frame Application] Module library disappears when the OutOfMemory error was handled with a reboot
- [Frame Application] Status Bar Overrides the Plug-in UI
- [Frame Application] Instance name of the plug-in is not copied
- [Frame Application] Unable to Return Licenses
- [Framework] Deleted plug-in instance toolbar will not be removed
- [PivotChart] Missing horizontal scroll bar in template selection of color dialog
- [PivotChart, colors] colors are repeated instead of being displayed in different gradations
- [PivotChart] Unwanted Items in Context Menu
- [Table] Format of the table is not retained when updating
- [PowerPoint] Standard resolution for export
- [Powerpoint] Info Text of buttons partly wrong and not yet translated
- [Frame application] NullReference when creating a copy of the table plug-in with a database table
- [Frame Application] Status bar obscures plug-in user interface
- [Frame Application] Error messages when exporting images from Plug-ins in Powerpoint
- [SimVis] Plug-in does not recognize SQL expressions
- [SimVis] Chord chart is drawn twice when refreshing
- [SimView] error message when moving the mouse to the data source info
- [Confidence Interval] Inconsistency of Interval Values
- [Categorization] Incorrect Number of Intervals
- [SimNote] Templates with images are loaded “incorrectly”
- [SQL Expressions] Message When checking Invalid Query
- Unwanted scrolling bars in X and Y axes when opening older projects
- [Database Definition] Database Access Synchronization in Oracle
- Add Folders as sources in Powerpoint
- [Reporting] Tables are presented differently (DE + EN)
- [PivotChart] SimAssist is sent to the background when changing colors in the colors dialog
- [PivotChart] SimAssist moves to background when closing the color management
(Extract Features)
- PowerPoint plug-in revision
- The SimPie plugin has been redesigned and now uses the pivot chart component
- Plug-in instances can now be copied back and forth between open projects
- Databases can now be added via drag’n’drop in the database definition plug-in
- Assistant functions at the first start of SimAssist
- PivotChart buttons for axis settings can now also be used for 3D diagrams
- Ribbon Buttons Enhanced with Zooming on PivotChart-Based Charts
- In the options can be preset, whether database paths are stored by default relative or absolute
- The options dialog has been switched to DevExpress components and opens with the settings for the currently focused plug-in
- Added project selection button
- Formats in the SQL Query plug-in are now saved in the project
(Extract Bugfixes)
- Categorization + Confidence interval: If another database is connected and the data is updated, the settings may be lost
- Queries from SQL Server databases are listed twice
- Text pattern changes in the label in the SimGantt plug-in lead to an error
- Calculation function not available when scrolling in the PivotChart data area
- Ribbon buttons of a plug-in are not activated when selected in the undocked state
- Function bar jumps to tab “Start” when changing orientation
- Missing Cancel Button in General Error Dialog
- SimChart – Update after cross-project move
- Powerpoint Error exporting text box on slide
- Zoom is restored despite resetting
- SQL queries for ORACLE with comment lines
- Uncertain error when updating the plugins 2.0
- Can not save – Part of the path “… Project.xml” could not be found
- Error after opening the options dialog
- [Distribution Adjustment] Error when pulling in a column of type int32
- Error Creating Charts
- Confidence interval can not process queries with variables
- Error occurs in 64-bit Version of Access Database Driver when using the Table Plug-In
- Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable Runtime – Detecting Version During Installation
- The exception “OutOfMemoryException” is not always handled and leads to application end
- Data columns are not displayed when using a SQL Server database
- Setting a default color palette fails in the Options Dialog
- Data Provider Interface does not work as a data source for SimChart
- Missing validation of paths in the options dialog
- Divide plug-in source folder by version
- Settings are not taken from version 2.0
- Confidence Interval result changes when updated for the first time
- Chart Designer does not apply settings
- Zoom settings are not retained during project update and loading
- Error message when installing on Windows 10
(Extract Features)
- PowerPoint plug-in revision
- The SimPie plugin has been redesigned and now uses the pivot chart component
- Plug-in instances can now be copied back and forth between open projects
- Databases can now be added via drag’n’drop in the database definition plug-in
- Assistant functions at the first start of SimAssist
- PivotChart buttons for axis settings can now also be used for 3D diagrams
- Ribbon Buttons Enhanced with Zooming on PivotChart-Based Charts
- In the options can be preset, whether database paths are stored by default relative or absolute
- The options dialog has been switched to DevExpress components and opens with the settings for the currently focused plug-in
- Added project selection button
- Formats in the SQL Query plug-in are now saved in the project
(Extract Bugfixes)
- Categorization + Confidence interval: If another database is connected and the data is updated, the settings may be lost
- Queries from SQL Server databases are listed twice
- Text pattern changes in the label in the SimGantt plug-in lead to an error
- Calculation function not available when scrolling in the PivotChart data area
- Old license settings are applied correctly when installing a newer version
- Access SQL queries containing the UNION keyword are now displayed under the VIEW node in the data area.
- The SQL Expression Plug-in algorithm has been redesigned
- The default project path is the same with German and English language settings
- Arrangement of the elements in the options dialog has been revised
- Bug fixes in the features of the alternative licensing
- Write and translation errors have been fixed
- Fixed an issue where SQL queries from old projects were not valid
- Revised plug-in schema viewer
- Fixed an issue updating projects
- Revision of the presentation in the SimChart plug-in
- Revision of the plug-in SimVis – correction of presentation and memory errors and connection to the reporting interface
- Fixed a bug where the content of the SQL query would not be displayed when keywords were written lowercase
- Revision of the SimGantt plug-in, it is now based on the Pivot-Chart component.
- XPath added as a new data interface that allows you to integrate XML files into SimAssist and use them in tabular form in the other plug-ins (for example, SimChart, SimGantt, etc.)
- The ribbon buttons on all Pivot-Chart-based plug-ins have been enhanced for faster access to commonly used functions (including chart type, titles, labels, etc.)
- A print preview was added to pivot-based plug-ins.
- Oracle databases are now accessed via the “Managed Driver”, which is part of SimAssist. No additional Oracle client needs to be installed in the appropriate version.
- New Output Format setting for variables: This defines how values ??are formatted.
- In the case of “OutOfMemory” errors, all projects are saved and the application is automatically restarted.
- The plug-in specific ribbon buttons are now highlighted
- The ribbon tabs of the reporting plug-in are merged with the SimAssist Ribbonbar.
- DevExpress is updated to version 16.1.7 and GeckoFx to version 45